Sunday, January 31, 2010

Does your website have salesability? Are you getting all the orders you should be getting?

My Friend,

It's amazing how much effort is put into creating websites today.  And it's all so scientific, the right amount of key words, the right kind of links, Java scripts and all that. But after all that, are you really getting the sales you expected?

If you want sales from your website, you have to sell!

OK, I'm not knocking all this scientific stuff, you really need it and the more planning, the better your website foundation will be. But if you are not getting sales, you need to consider whether or not you have turned your website into a powerful salesman.

When you walk into a store, what do you see? First you probably see a lot of enticing products or you may not stay too long. But also you are going to see salespeople. And hopefully you will see a lot of smiling faces and helpful salespeople with the right attitudes.

As I look at websites, I don't see a lot that have real salesability! Sure, theres a lot of other stuff and some fancy designs, but designs don't sell!

What are you selling, is it obvious?

Designs are useful to showcase your products and make them standout. Your product photos should be enticing and mouth-watering. Too many websites have little, hard to see product photos. You want the photos to overwhelm that visitor to your site!

But the photos don't really sell. Sure, you can't sell without them. And just like in a store, someone will see something they want, maybe just exactly what they came into your store for, find your shopping cart and pull out their credit card.

It's just like in a brick-n- mortar store... Walk in, maybe all the salespeople are busy or are hiding in the back somewhere. You manage to find what were looking for and taking it to the checkout counter and pullout your credit card.

OK, you made a sale, but what if that potential customer couldn't find what they wanted and walked out because they couldn't get any help? Or maybe that wasn't exactly what they wanted and later they will hold it against you and not return to your store?

If there was a salesperson there, they could help the customer find exactly what they really wanted. Maybe you could show them different colors or styles that were available, but in the backroom.

What if you had something similar but even better you could show them? This would mean a bigger sale for you!

And what if there were other accessories that went with the product that you could sell them? Or even suggest extra supplies, such as additional ink cartridges for their new printer and maybe a case of paper that was on sale instead of the single package they were going to buy?

Or what if you had a special package consisting of extra ink cartridges, paper and software or something like that was offered at a special price? People like packaged deals even if there are a few things in there they don't really need, if they feel they are getting a good deal, they will be happy! So how are going to put salespeople on your website? 

OK, let's put that powerful little salesman on your website!

Please go to my website now to finish the blog, find out how to put this little salesman on your website and maybe even get some free stuff...

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